Next was the trial installation. The hull was to be pivoted on its forward jack stands, so I knocked out the keel blocks forward of the stands and put the lift on bulkhead No. 5. Here we arrive at our final height, measured by the rule in the shaft hole, with Quinx, the shop cat supervising as usual ...
With the stern hanging on the lift, the rudder is started home.
The hull is home. I've not totally settled on the means of rudder suspension. A bracket with bronze collar will probably be on the underside of the king plank support, above the quadrant. The shaft extends a little up through the king plank for the possibility of an emergency tiller, should the steering gear fail. I'll figure on some kind of fancy bronze deck cover for it.
After head scratching and fabricating, there will be future lifts for the final installation. That's when the packing gland, seen sitting to the right of the slings, will go in.
Looks like the local graffiti artists have tagged the hull again. Not a bad sentiment on the kind of project that can tend to strain the checkbook and marital bonds ... Photos courtesy of said graffiti artist - thanks, babe.